
The word "optimism" comes from the latin "optimum" meaning "the best" or "to improve". Optimism is both a philosophy and an attitude in life which consists in doing one's best in all circumstances.


The Optimistic Movement aims at "informing the public about the virtues of optimism, and gathering citizens who agree that optimism can contribute to improve our behaviors, our health, our performances, human relations, and that it can improve as well individuals and society, with respect to each other and nature, and to implement an optimistic program to improve society." (quoted from the by-laws of the Optimistic Movement).

The Optimistic Movement is a non-profit organization. It is directed by a Board of Directors.


The Optimistic Movement was created in 2001 by citizens wishing to improve our society. The idea that inspired the creation of the Optimistic Movement was to gather all sympathizers in favor of optimism, in all spheres of modern society.

The members of the Optimistic Movement are called "optimists". They wish to improve our world, without any dogmatism, and with respect to our neighbours and to our environment.

Who are the members of the OPTIMISTIC MOVEMENT ?

The members of the Optimistic Movement are mainly in France, but also in Europe, and to a lesser degree in other countries. These persons are united by their desire to encourage a responsible and optimistic approach of all situations of work, of life, and of society.

Optimists can be found in all social, religious and professional categories, without any discrimination in this regard. Being optimistic is not a religion (absence of any dogma) although it is about serving society and our fellow citizens, and it is not a political movement in the usual sense of the term (there is no pre-written doctrine, and a pragmatic approach is applied in all situations), although it is about changeing society and improving our institutions when necessary.

Any person who shares our views can become a member of the Optimistic Movement as a supporting, sympathizing, active or donating member, and can ask to become a local correspondant in his or her area. To be informed, it is possible to subscribe to our free mailing list.

The Committee of Honorary Members

The Optimistic Movement has a Committee of Honorary Members. This Committee gathers important personalities that bring their moral support to the Optimistic Movement.


We are convinced it is through encourageing each citizen to adopt an exemplary and optimistic attitude in all circumstances, and by each of us improving his or her own life and actions, that society as a whole can be improved.