Technical requirements

for translations of the IBC website

You can help us translate this web site in other languages !!!


Some technical suggestions to work on the translations :

A/ inform us of the translations you expect to be working on in the close future (what documents you expect to translate, and into what language) in order to avoid interferences (translating a text already translated or several people working on the same translations isn't necessary).

B/ the originals to be translated will be found on IBC's web site (but not the summaries of the books, nor the complete manuscript of the books - these can be sent to you by e-mail upon request).

C/ You can download the SOURCE DOCUMENT of the pages to be translated in HTML format directly from the web site into your computer. "Download the source" (or "Page source" "source" or "HTML source document" or a similar instruction) is a usual instruction in web navigating softwares. All you have to do is execute this instruction from the menu in your usual browser while viewing the page you want to translate (on Netscape Navigator or Communicator, this instruction is in the menu : "VIEW"). This creates a new HTML file on your hard disk containing the code for the active page you are viewing. This HTML file can then be opened and translated preferably with an HTML editing software (or a word processor such as WORD). The translation should be performed if possible directly in HTML-format, that is using an HTML software editor, or an HTML-compatible word processor (such as WORD 7.0 or above) (except for the complete manuscript of books which should be translated using a word processor, if possible WORD 6.0 for MAC or PC).

D/ If you don't have an HTML editor, such software can be downloaded in shareware or freeware on the following sites :     or :    or : other software downloading sites

Ask for an HTML EDITOR or WEB PAGE EDITOR compatible with your type of computer. Whatever the software and the computer (PC or MAC) used for the translations, HTML files (if possible) are quite convenient for future installation on the web.

By working this way (with an HTML EDITOR), you will avoid retyping the texts, the addresses, redefining the links, the tables, the layout, etc., of the original document. You will work directly on the original page such as it appears (and will appear once translated) on the internet. The page setup of the original page will be saved also, and the translated document will be ready for us to install on the web without major modifications being necessary.

IF YOU NAVIGATE ON THE WEB BUT DON'T UNDERSTAND MUCH ABOUT HTML, HTML editors, e-mailing files or downloading anything, just cut and paste the texts to be translated from your navigating software towards your usual word processor. Then type the translations in your usual word processor, and mail or e-mail us the file(s) of the typed translation(s) with all titles, comments, and details, but without any page setup (if possible in WORD or RTF format). We will do the HTML-stuff, work on the page setup, install the translation on the internet, and then ask you or another person speaking the language to check the final version after installation and make corrections.

IF YOU DON'T NAVIGATE ON THE WEB AND DON'T UNDERSTAND MUCH ABOUT HTML, just ask us to send you a paper version of the texts to be translated (or have a friend print them for you from the web site). Then type the translations in your usual word processor, and mail or e-mail us the file(s) of the typed translation(s) with all titles, comments, and details, but without any page setup (if possible in WORD or RTF format). We will do the HTML-stuff, work on the page setup, install the translation on the internet, and then ask you or another person speaking the language to check the final version after installation and make corrections.

By experience it is best that the person who works on the text and on the setup both speak the language. It is therefore preferable and time-sparing for everybody if you can work in HTML format directly, and in this case you (and we) will not have to do the page setup because you will be directly using the original one.

E/ Do not forget to translate the KEY WORDS. The KEY WORDS are used by search engines to enable people to find the page. The KEY WORDS are not directly displayed in most HTML editors because it is hidden text. To access and translate the KEY WORDS, you should either : 1/ Edit the HTML source documents (the HTML codes then appear, and the KEY WORDS are defined somwhere in the codes at the beginning of the document, just replace the original key words by the translated KEY WORDS, separated by comas) or 2/ access the KEY WORDS by the "document options" instruction in the "EDIT" menu of your HTML Editor software.

F/ The translations done with or without the page setup can be e-mailed to : [email protected] or sent on-disk by snail-mail to our physical address.

Thank you if you can help in any way, even just for translating a page or two.

If you need assistance for translating a paragraph, or a full page, or just a few words, you can click over to Altavista's automatic translation page. It is preferable to use the automatic translation just for a few words, or groups of words or paragraphs, rather than for full pages.

After completion, we will add your translations on the web site in the future. Clickable links will then be established toward the pages you will have translated from the international homepage and from the rest of the site.

Your translations will then be available on the internet to the public worldwide and will be promoted through search engines.

For the books, the credit for translation will be mentionned in the following terms : "Translation in LANGUAGE by YOUR NAME", in the first pages of the book, as is usually done. If you prefer, this can also not be mentionned (your choice).

Thank you again if you can participate in any translation or elsewise.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Questions or other instructions : [email protected]

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